#SCSYSL Coaches Corner
Below you will find important forms and documentation you may need for coaching. These forms range from concussion training to field permits to helpful coaching tools, tips, and tricks.
Forms & Permits
Permits and Forms…dot the i’s and cross the t’s!
Field Permit
Please do not play on any game fields! This will help to reduce stress to the fields and allows for a better turf for our players to play on.
Keep a copy of the field permit with you at practices and games! If the PDF does not open, make sure it is not in your downloads folder.
Injury Report Form
When an injury occurs, refer the injured player’s parents to the injury report form. They need to fill it out and return it to you. Please turn it into a board member ASAP!
Medical Clearance (Return to Play)
Have your player turn the medical clearance form into you and then return it to a board member. Once this form is in your hands, your player may participate in games and practices.
Player Safety, Tips & Tricks, and Laws of the Game